I could not wait to start working on this project! A few months ago I sat down with a major bus manufacturer and they wanted the Cyber Tracker and turn-by-turn directions. At that point in time we did not have a system in place that could handle it. Today is another story!
The integration of the Cyber Tracker and a Garmin Navigation unit will be the perfect marriage of technology. Lets look at an example to show just how powerful this combo could be. Imagine a courier business that has employees make pick-ups and drop-offs all day. The Cyber Tracker installed in the vehicle will provide the company with asset management and all the other features of the Cyber Tracker. Now add the fact that the courier company needs to notify a driver that a pick-up is needed. The dispatcher for the courier company can look on his mapping software located on his computer in the office to see what vehicle is closest to the pick-up. He then sends a work order to that employee. The Cyber Tracker then uses the Garmin screen to notify the driver that a pick-up is needed and can give the driver turn-by-turn directions to the destination He can respond to the dispatcher using the Garmin screen with out picking up a telephone.
This same scenario works great with public safety and anyone who has a fleet of vehicles. An important benefit to me is that it can greatly increase fuel economy to the vehicles just by making routes more efficient. A problem that our sales force runs into everyday is re-educating the employees on how GPS can actually help them and this will now allow employees of a business to interact with the device and not just be tracked.
I will post pictures of the entire project as soon as they become available.
Ian - This is great news...I'm assuming there is an agreement between HISS and Garmin on this? Now we need some heavy duty sales!!!!!
Is the major bus manufacturer still in the picture? Is HISS still in discussions with them?
a quick update on the blog from yesterday, I received an email from Garmin after the press release went out. It looks like they are very excited to be working with us, they also invited us to the Garmin HQ to become a "official partner"
More to come as it develops!
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