Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Go Green

I always like to complement press releases on the blog because I think that the more information that is out there, the better. Being "Green" is something that seems to be in every newspaper you pick up or on ever 6 o'clock news. Its a big deal and we definitely shouldn't take issues concerning the environment lightly.

When reps are out in the field selling Cyber Trackers the easiest way to make that sale is to show a ROI (return on investment). You can do that many different ways depending on the customer and how their business operates. With gas prices being high its easy to see how the Cyber Tracker could pay for its self just in fuel savings. Think about it, if you owned a business with 250 vehicles think about how much money you could save every year just by having more efficient routes, reducing unauthorized mileage and limiting excessive speeds. At the same time that you are saving money you are reducing emissions and the "green house" effect. If all fleets would use a device, such as a CT, the companies would not only become "green" but they could see “black” on the bottom line.

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